Shamattawa- Day 4- Monday- 7/17/2017


Today is our first teaching day here in Shamattawa. We prepared our lesson Sunday evening, before watching a movie together. This morning we went to the Northern store to get some needed items for meals for this coming week. About 11:00 Pastor Dennis, his wife Terri, and Steve, one of the other pilots flew into Shamattawa from Norway House, where they had spent Sunday evening. We prepared lunch for them, and got started with the beginning of VBS before they needed to leave. The weather was lurking out there in their path of flight, so it was imperative that they leave in time. Was good to share time with them today. Our Vacation Bible school had 31 attendees today, with an average age of 9 years old. We had supper together, then headed out to the school to participate with Athletes In Action, a group of 4 from Winnipeg who are here for the week to do some sports days/nights with the teens here in Shamattawa. So now we are at the school using the internet, playing basketball (Dave and Eric). This is the first time for an internet connection since we arrived in Shamattawa, we are thankful for that. The remainder of the evening will be walking back to the teacherage from the school, maybe 3/4 mile or so, working through the rest of the lesson for Tuesday, then our evening devotion probably with popcorn, and then lights out.
Thanks for following with us as we continue to share God's word with the people of Shamattawa.
Leon, Lori, Eric, Karma, and Dave