Chairman: Schan Sorkness
Vice-Chairman: Jon Schoening
Treasurer: Cindy Schmidt
Special Funds Treasurer: Margie Rasmussen
Financial Secretary: Sandy King
Church Council
The Church Council meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. The Church Council is made of the elected congregational officers and a representative, usually the chairman, from each board. All Church Council meetings are open to all members of the congregation.
Board of Elders
Chairman: Wayne Goerdt
The Board of Elders are responsible for all matters pertaining to the spiritual life of the congregation and the spiritual welfare of its individual members, consult with the Pastor, supervise and outline the duties of the other church staff
Board of Christian Education and Youth Ministry
Chairman: Esther Schlicker
The Board of Christian Education oversees the educational programs of Trinity Lutheran Church including Sunday School, Adult Bible studies, Vacation Bible School and more. This is a fun board to serve on, especially if you have a heart for extending God’s Word to all ages. We welcome new ideas and encourage you to visit any of our meetings. The Board of Youth Ministry strives to engage the Trinity youth in the life and work of the congregation. Involved in the planning of these events are adult and youth members. Together they collaborate and implement a wide range of activities. Throughout the year the board’s tasks include organizing Bible studies, fun fellowship activities, service events and fundraising for future activities.
Board for Day School
Chairman: David Schlicker
The School Board is responsible for the administration of Preschool at Trinity (Trinity Lutheran School). The board establishes policies and goals for the school, approves curriculum and sets annual tuition rates, oversees and implements a budget, promotes enrollment of children from the community and this congregation for the school, and serves as the search committee for the calling or contracting of teachers and hiring of other employees.
Board of Global Outreach, Local Outreach, and Human Care
Chairman: David Schneeberger
The main focus of the Board of Global Outreach is to assist, train, inform, and provide opportunity in areas of mission, outside the Fergus Falls area. The board strives to connect Trinity to actual mission groups of the LCMS, make our members more conscious of missions, promote events to support the missions within the synod and church, support those in the mission field, and encourage generous financial support of worldwide opportunities for Gospel outreach. The Board of Local Outreach is responsible for encouraging evangelism activities, assimilating new members into the life and work of the church, and publicizing the Gospel and the activities of the congregation. The Human Care Board is the response to the needs of others, out of God’s love—reaching out to others in Need—identifying the human needs in our church and community—and responding accordingly.
Board of Stewardship
Chairman: Larry Stein
The Board of Stewardship is responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date files of talents, interests, and pastor church work of all members; instruct and encourage members in the blessings and joy of proportionate giving to the Lord’s work; supervise all fundraising within the church; prepare the annual budget for submission to Church Council and Voters Assembly; and provide programs and training to members to be faithful stewards.
Board of Trustees
Chairman: vacant
The Board of Trustees oversees use and upkeep of the church facilities, property, and equipment.
Cemetery Committee
Chairman: Cal Johansen
The Cemetery Board members maintain the Trinity-Faith cemetery. They also oversee the sale of cemetery plots.