Author Archives: admin

Preschool Update

The preschool classes have been very busy in the month of April. We had noticed how a potato was sprouting, so we put it in some water, and after we noticed some good roots, we planted it. It is now over 2 feet tall. We are continually amazed at the things that our God created for us. We have been able to get outside and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. We are looking forward

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Spring Market Day, Saturday, May 13. The Trinity Crafters will participate in this special Spring Market Day at the pavilion in downtown Fergus Falls. Hours of the market will be from 9:00am -1:00pm. We look forward to your visiting us there.


The mowing group meets every Wed. morning at 9 AM, short coffee break then we mow.  We have 4 mowers and it takes about 3 hours.  There is also weed trimming around the head stones, and other odd jobs.  The pay is $8.00 per hour and you are paid once at the end of the season.  If you can’t  come  every week, we can use part time subs also.  The crew now is Larry Stein,

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Our largest 150th Anniversary Celebration is scheduled for August 13, 2023.  We will have a special meal and celebrate the congregation’s sesquicentennial following the worship service that morning. Our Guest Preacher will be MN North District President Emeritus Fondow. Please plan ahead to be there, and share the news with former members who may wish to attend.


Lutheran Island Camp will be help May 19-21. Activities include Bible study, fellowship, golf tournament, gun range, pickleball, hatchet throwing, service projects & more! Register at or call 218-583-2905.