By adminJanuary 25, 2018 JavaScript isn't enabled in your browser, so this file can't be opened. Enable and reload.Adult Instruction Class RSVP Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more* Indicates required questionBeginning Sunday, February 25th at 12 NoonThis class will cover all the basics of what we believe, teach and confess based on the teachings of Holy Scripture. Any person interested in joining Trinity Lutheran or just learning more about what we teach is encouraged to attend.This is also a great refresher class for members, especially if it has been a few years since you were confirmed. A light lunch will be served and all materials for the class are being provided for free.Can you attend? *Yes, I/We would like to take this class.I/We are interested in this class, but cannot attend at this time. Please contact me when you offer this class again.Sorry, I/We are not interested in this class.First Name(s) *Your answerLast Name(s) *Your answerTelephone Number *Your answerEmail Address *Your answerComments and/or questionsYour answerSubmitClear formNever submit passwords through Google Forms.This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy Forms