The Shamattwa LAMP Team, Leon, Lori, Dave, and Eric were on the road at Thompson Manitoba this morning by 7:00 A.M. heading down the road toward Ponton. Ponton is a junction in the road with a gas station and restaurant where we planned to meet up with Norway House teams. Our plan came to fruition as the Norway House caravan showed up. Most had breakfast there, and we all had a special treat, when the owner of the business demonstrated his animals calls. He and his daughter have one many contests with native bird and other animal calls.
Shortly after we headed down the road to Winnipeg, another 6 1/2 hour drive. A few gas stops later we arrived at our church home for the night. Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Winnipeg has been hosting us for the last 9 years, and we are so thankful for that. Supper provided by a few church ladies, and our evening devotion and debriefing followed. Many of the group are down for the night. Lori and I are at a McDonalds for late night coffee (it’s only 10:00) but all of us have been since early morning. This is only the second chance to get a good internet connection to post to the LAMP Blog for most of the week. More will come at a later date.
Sunday, tomorrow, we will clear out of the church basement by 9:00 so the 9:30 Bible Study can take place. We will worship here at Beautiful Savior after Bible Study, grab a quick lunch at a nearby restaurant, then hit the road again for Fergus Falls. We plan to be home by 6:00 P.M. to unload, unpack and return to our own homes.
Thanks for following our limited blog so far. Please check back for more photos and details of our time sharing the Gospel of Jesus in the North.
More Later, Leon D.

Debriefing in Winnipeg Saturday Evening.

Still Debriefing

The Trinity Trailer