Author Archives: admin

Shamattawa Team Wednesday 7-20-16

Today is Wednesday which is day 4 of teaching Vacation Bible School here  in  Shamattawa. We are currently at the Band Office using the internet to get this post up on the website. We apologize for late entries and only a few photos, but the process has been very slow going to upload pictures. We have only a small amount of time that we can be here as we have stayed busy preparing and teaching.

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Shamattawa Team Tuesday 7-19-16

Shamattawa Team Tuesday 7-19-16Morning has broken and it’s a beautiful day in Shamattawa. Sunshine and cool here. Quiet in town today. Still preparing a bit for the afternoon crafts etc. One of the older kids Dyrell showed up at the door this morning wanting to visit. Somehow the kids find us no matter where we are. We have not stayed in the same place twice in 8 years, but somehow word gets around. After lunch,

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Shamattawa Team Monday 7-18-16

5 Monday 7-18-16Morning has arrived in Shamattawa now 7:00 A.M. and all is calm. Spent some time this morning organizing photos and journal information for the slide presentation. Breakfast is being prepared by Dave once again, thanks Dave!. After Breakfast, we went to the Band Office to check in with the Chief and the council. We then found that the Band Office was closed through Wednesday. Only one council member Rodrick Miles was in the

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Shamattawa Team- Sunday 7/17

Day 3July 17, 2016Some rose early, like 6:30 AM. Others a little later. Breakfast was prepared by Dave. Eggs ,pancakes, and toast. A friend Howard Canabe who has had his children in our Vacation Bible School stopped by for a visit this morning. He now works for the Shamattawa Band doing city maintenance.  When 1:00 came we still had no place to hold our VBS, so we utilized the outdoors. Today we had 46 children

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Shamattawa Team- Saturday 7/16

Day 2July 16, 2016Up at the crack of dawn, the church ladies came at 5:30 to make breakfast for the four of us. A “FULL” breakfast it was. Eggs, bacon, potatoes, pancakes, sausage, juice, and Tim Horton’s coffee. We left Grand Rapids shortly after breakfast at about 7:00 AM. Drove as far as Ponton, a small junction café and gas station. After a quick stop there, we continued on to Thompson, arriving there by 10:45.

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