Author Archives: admin

From the Pastor’s Desk April 2023

Dear friends in Christ, Throughout the year I’ve been sharing stories about Trinity’s history as I’ve been finding them. Lately I’ve become very interested in Trinity’s second pastor, Pastor John Krueger. Pastor Krueger’s time of service in this region is fascinating. Pastor Krueger was initially sent to serve in Great Bend, North Dakota (first called Town Berlin), where he was ordained in November of 1976. In the spring of 1877, Trinity’s first pastor, Pastor Winkler,

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Music Festival

Join us for our “ March Through the Church Year” Music Festival on Sunday, March 26 at 2 PM. We will have the opportunity to enjoy an organ recital by Marcus Lueders, brass from several sister congregations (and our own), and a chance to hear and sing some of your favorite hymns from throughout the church year. There will be light refreshments afterward. This event is being held as part of our 150th Anniversary celebration.

From the Pastor’s Desk March 2023

Dear Friends in Christ, Some of the earliest Missouri Synod mission work was carried out by Pastors Sievers and Mieszler, who were sent to survey mission opportunities in Minnesota among the Native Americans and the Germans in 1856. This work led to the founding of Trinity First Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, as well as one of the earliest gatherings of the German Lutherans in Corcoran, a group that later formed the congregation where I was

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Chili Cook Off

The fellowship board has elected to postpone the chopped cook off competition due to a lack of cooks signed up. Instead we will be changing the event to a chili cook off! So Saturday March 11th, 2023 at 5 pm please bring your best tasting chili to the church kitchen and we will pick a winner based off ballots from the crowd. If you don’t want to make chili but would still like to come,

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