Category Archives: Uncategorized

From the Pastor’s Desk- October 2021

“Well I remember when. . .” I used to think, “Oh no! Here we go again!” whenever my parents or grandparents would begin a sentence with those words. Now I didn’t realize at the time, but often they were doing more than just reminiscing about past events, they were also sharing the insights they had gained over the years; some “words of wisdom” for their kids and grandkids. It says in Deuteronomy, chapter eight: “And

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Holy Communion Practice

During the COVID-19 pandemic perhaps you’ve heard of churches who provide the elements for Holy  Communion so that households who are watching the online, streaming services of the congregation have the households consecrate with the pastor and then commune together alone.  I was recently asked about this practice and what I thought of it.  I cannot recommend it under any circumstance, even COVID 19.  In the Narthex you will find a summary of reasons this

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