Category Archives: News


A Congregational Voters Assembly Meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2024.  At this meeting the congregation will be asked to vote on allowing the Trustees to proceed with the parking lot improvement project and on securing funding for the project.  This would involve borrowing funds and placing a lien on our property.  For this reason we are publicizing now that such a vote is coming.  Please bring any questions or concerns to Ken Heidorn.


Our next evening of dartball will be on Monday, January 8 at Our Redeemer in Moorhead beginning at 7:00pm. We will carpool from the Trinity parking lot at 5:45. Please let Dave Schneeberger know if you have any questions or if you are able to join.


At the special voters assembly meeting held October 15, in conjunction with the proposed parking lot project the congregation voted to conduct a pledge drive.  This will be an in-house effort.  If you would be interested in serving on the pledge drive committee, please contact Larry Stein, Ken Heidorn, or Pastor Lieske.

Help Needed

Quilters are looking for people to assist in sewing and ironing. This can be done at home or at the church. Come Thursday’s at 12:30pm. Further questions contact Nadine (218) 770-3679 or Char(218) 517-0114

Faith Build

We are planning a volunteer day as part of the Faith Build for Habitat for Humanity on Wednesday, November 8th. I am anticipating we will be hanging sheetrock in one of the homes and volunteers of all skill levels are encouraged to help. We will be working from 9:00-3:00 with lunch provided at noon and you are welcome to join us for the whole day or for part of it that works unto your schedule.

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