Category Archives: News


DARTBALL: The time is rapidly approaching to start another season of dartball with the men from Zion in Detroit Lakes and Our Redeemer in Moorhead.  We will be hosting the first night of the season at Trinity on Mon, Sept. 11 at 7:00 and will need to be prepared with food, fun and fellowship for 30+ men.   You are encouraged to give it a try since you wouldn’t believe how much fun it is to play! 

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Orphan Grain Train Sunday is August 27th. Gene & Darlene Pasche will be joining us during our Bible Study time to present Orphan Grain Train updates. They will also be collecting Full backpacks containing school supplies. A complete list of supplies is available on the display table in the narthex. Monetary donations for shipping will also be collected. The cost of shipping each box of kits are $12.00.

News from Ashley Lehr in Puerto Rico

Praise Report: *On Sunday, June 11, 2023, the first baptism in the new outreach church, Lamb of God Lutheran Church in San Juan, took place! Welcome to the family of God, Amelie! *The servant hearts and great work done by the short-term mission team from St. John’s Lutheran in Arnold, MO and Faith Lutheran in Hastings, NE, who painted the sanctuary in Ponce and the outside entrance to the Mayaguez church, as well as hosting

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We had a preschool play date on July 18 and it was fun to get together with some friends from our classes this past year. We will have another play date on August 8 from 4-6 pm. If you know of anyone interested in our preschool program, please let them know that they are invited to join us. Back to School night will be from 5-7 pm on Thursday, August 31.